‘Dogs enrich our lives and the world we live in’

We can provide you with all the advice, guidance and support you need to;

  • Introduce and continually socialise your dog and puppy to the world

  • Understand your dog and communicate more effectively

  • Manage and resolve complex behaviours such as reactivity, resource guarding and separation issues

  • Shape your dog’s behaviours over time, using kind and compassionate methods of training

  • Ensure your dog enjoys the highest standards of welfare

Our dogs

Relationships between dogs and people have been established over thousands of years and continue to develop and improve the more we understand these remarkable animals.

Puppies are born and have to quickly discover the world and how it works. They have acute senses and use these to make sense of everything around them. They use their behaviour to get what they need and to avoid what they dislike.

By understanding your dog and responding appropriately to them, you can develop a wonderful relationship and ensure your dog gets the most out of life too.

The keys to success

We believe there are 4 key areas people need to consider to create a happy partnership and relationship with our dogs.

  1. Maintain their physical and mental health

  2. Get to know and understand your dog

  3. Help them cope with our world

  4. Take time to teach them how to behave

  1. Maintain their Health

Good mental and physical health will help keep your dog happy and also behave appropriately. The areas mentioned below will support both mental and physical health.

  • For physical health consider areas such as exercise and rest, your routine healthcare and grooming checks, yearly vaccinations and parasite controls.

  • To provide good nutrition, ensure you feed the right amount of a good quality food, food the dog enjoys, some variation and provide access to water at all times

  • It is important to provide the right environments, so consider making sure they are safe, comfortable, warm, dry, quiet and that your dog has some choices

  • It is essential to ensure your dog has positive social interactions and experiences. This should include, positive experiences with people and other dogs / animals, lots of play, regular learning / training and allow your dog to fulfil natural behaviours

2. Really get to know your dog

  • Get to know their likes and dislikes

  • Learn their language

  • Study dog ethology and breed characteristics

  • Give them a voice so you can have a conversation

  • Understand the purpose of their behaviour

3. Help your dog cope with our world

  • Help them succeed, by setting them up to do well

  • Take time to expose and socialise them to the world

  • Avoid them rehearsing undesired behaviours

  • Manage and adapt environments

  • Take control of situations and interactions

  • Have empathy for them, this stuff is difficult!

4. Teach your dog how to behave

  • Understand how animals learn

  • Teach them the life skills they need as well as the tricks

  • Be clear about what behaviour you want and when

  • Use lots of rewards in your training and try not to use punishment

  • Communicate well and listen to your dog

  • Shape behaviours over time and be patient