Helping to keep you updated

Latest news and information you may find interesting

plus ‘The Gallery’

What’s new

‘Agility for fun’ classes are starting in April.

For more information go to our Facebook pages. (Link is top right of the Home page).

We have been making more Liver cake treats.

High value rewards can be really useful to help reinforce behaviours in high distraction environments, for example when free running.

If you need me to bring some with me when we meet up, get in touch. You can also place a special order at anytime, we have a little helper only too keen to quality check!

Picture of the week

Wider news - Doggy facts

Dogs noses are amazing. They are equipped with 300 million receptors (compared to our 6 million) which helps them detect odour concentration of nearly 100 million times lower than ourselves…. Imagine what the world smells like to them!

In addition dogs can breath in and out at the same time, they have a unique nose print (like our fingerprint), their nostrils move independently of each other and they can sense sources of heat and thermal radiation, hence their ability to detect illness, animal remains and a host of undetectable items for us.

A dog's hearing is an impressive biological feat that has helped them be successful for thousands of years.

According to Petful, a dog can hear a sound up to four times further away than humans. Dogs have the ability to use their ears independently and change the direction for which they are listening, which helps them zero in on the sound they are listening for as a result of 18 muscles in their ears (three times as many in the human ear).

Dogs also have the ability to hear different frequencies, which is why it appears that dogs are listening even when we can hear nothing.

Lastly, dogs also have the ability to practice selective hearing, being able to filter out meaningless sounds is important, so make sure your cues and voice does not become meaningless!

The Gallery

Dog training class
Red Fox Labrador who trained to be a Guide Dog
Dog training class
Happy lady with black labrador
Puppies lying in the grass
French Bulldog puppy